Saturday, June 18, 2011

Twitter disclaimer and rant

This is MY Twitter. I know the password, you don't. So if you dislike anything I have to say, by all means, go. I don't reply to spammers, so don't bother. If I don't follow you back, there might be a reason for it. If you are an asshole to my friends, I won't follow. If you are borderline nasty about my teams, I won't follow. (Good natured joking, teasing, is not what I mean. I mean saying how people should die, or constantly making fun of players in a non-joking manner, I won't follow. Sorry, but I don't care to associate myself with fans of other teams who can't be good sports and respect people. I have no problem following you if I don't like your team, as long as you're cool and not a total asshole. I like getting to know fans of teams other than my own. So come on, just be nice.

I have a few things that really need to be said, at least in my opinion. It is not directed at any one person in particular. But it is just general statements. This is not me bashing your team or anything like that. I showed this to fans of a few different teams (including some Phillies fans) and they agree with it too. One even said they wished they wrote it. And finally, if you have a problem with what I wrote, I am not sorry. These are my opinions, plain and simple. Remember, you chose to follow me. If you  want to unfollow me, please, by all means do so.

1. There is no conspiracy theory against your team. The umps do not all get together and decide your pitcher is going to get a smaller strike zone, nor do they comiserate about ways to make your team go through a living hell. Let's face it. Your team gets calls in their favor sometimes too. The batter on your team had ball 4 called when it should have been strike 3. This stuff happens. No umpire is perfect. I don't see you out there doing it. They get calls right, they get calls wrong. I don't see them out there criticizing how you do at your job. Not saying I don't cringe at calls now and then but I don't compulsively do it.

2. Face it, YOUR TEAM MAKES MISTAKES! A batter might swing and miss! Oh no! Your pitcher might hang a high fastball when he didn't mean to. Whether his ERA is 2 or 6, he can make a mistake. A runner might get caught stealing. You know what, no team ever ended a baseball season with a perfect record. Acceptance is key. And just because you wish the runner for the other team was out and he wasn't doesn't make him out. If he is safe, he is safe.

3. Calling one team "your team" and then pretty much abandoning them because another team comes along you like better or because your favorite got traded/released is as fickle as it gets. I like the Braves and Royals but I won't just stop rooting for them if someone gets traded. Come on now.

4. It amazes me at such hypocrisy. I've been told at games to "Go back to Atlanta" because I'm not welcome to see my team play on the road. So I asked why it's ok for THEIR fans to go see their team in whatever city they want to. Simply they replied "We have the right to.". Ok, sorry but I can and will go wherever I please to go see my team. You don't have some priviledge that I don't have.

5. Treating people like the scum of the earth because they don't root for the home team isn't cool. So if you tell me I should be a Phillies fan, go tell a Phillies fan in St. Louis that they should be a Cards fan. You wouldn't do that now, would you? Probably not, probably not. So if it's ok for them to not support the home team, then it's just as fine for me. Ok? Ok.

6. Who cares if announcers discuss someone "on the other team"? Just because they're not on your team doesn't mean all discussion about them is not to take place. If someone is having a good year, why aren't people allowed to talk about him? And we don't have to fit a member of your team into the discussion just because you think they are obligated to. There are 29 teams besides yours. Please, accept it. I don't sit here and think my team is the only one that should be discussed.

7. No, every batter whose bat breaks isn't trying to hurt your players and everytime a pitcher might hit your player doesn't mean he is trying to injure him. Ever hear of accidents? If you think it's always with some cruel intent in mind, then I guess when your pitchers hit someone, they're equally as vindictive.

8. Just because someone mentions something is wrong with your team (i.e "So and So blew a save.", "The defense isn't as good as it was last season.") does not mean that they're saying your team is horrible, scum, and the worst possible team to ever play the game. Did you know that the 1927 Yankees, had a nine game losing streak? To many, they are widely considered to be the greatest team ever. So even the best have flaws.

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